IBPS SO 2019 Admit Card for Prelims Exam to be Released this Week on ibps.in; Check Exam Pattern here.


Source – pagalguy.com

The Institute of Banking Personnel service conducts the Specialist officer and the preliminary officer exam every year to select the candidates to be placed in banks across the country. The 2019 Specialist officer is scheduled to take place on December 28 and December 29.

An official notification has been released by the Institute of Banking Personnel selection that the admit card for the specialist officer exam will be released by the end of this week. The anticipated date of release of the admit card is on December 13, 2019. The correct date for the release of admit card will be released official in the official website of the Institute of Banking personnel selection.

The candidates who have enrolled for the specialist officer exam are advised to check the official website of the institute of banking personnel service from time to time in order to not miss any updates on the examination.

The official website to get more details on IBPS SO 2019 and get the admit card is www.ibps.in .

Selection Process:

There are 3 process which the candidates have to cross in order to become a specialist officer in any bank across the country.

The processes are:

  • Preliminary Exam
  • Main Exam
  • Interview

Preliminary Exam Pattern:

The prelims exam will be conducted for 125 marks. The exam will be divided into 3 sections Reasoning, English language and General Awareness. The English language will be conducted for 25 marks and the other 2 sections for 50 marks each. Each section will be for 40 minutes.

Main Exam Pattern:

The main exam will be conducted on the Professional Knowledge for a total of 60 marks. The duration of the exam will be for 45 minutes. The candidates have to make note of the fact that 0.25 mark will be deducted for every wrong answer.

The interview will be conducted for those who cleared the exams.